The Common Share
Welcome to The Common Share, a podcast about the opportunities and challenges of developing co-operative businesses. The Common Share is produced by Co-operatives First, a business development organization that increases awareness and understanding of the co-op business model and supports co-operative business development in rural and Indigenous communities across western Canada.
The Common Share
Co-ops and loyalty: insights from two co-op researchers
Co-operatives First
In this episode, two co-op researchers tell us about their work looking at people’s loyalty to co-operatives. Danika Dinko is the Executive Director of the Saskatchewan Co-operative Association who wrote a thesis exploring the opinions of consumers in regards to shopping at co-ops versus Investor-owned firms. Stan Yu is the Research and Communications Coordinator for the Canadian Centre for the Study of Co-operatives, who looked at whether the employees of co-operatives tend to be loyal co-op customers.